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Education and Early Intervention on Eating Disorders.

EDIN’s Mission is to provide professional development education workshops on eating disorders and on creating body confident schools in Georgia.

providing professional development (PD) for georgia schoolS

  • eating disorders education

  • creating a body confident school

We live in a time and place obsessed with appearance. Today’s social media — where so many kids edit and curate their own images — has created a culture where 70% of adolescent girls and 45% of adolescent boys don’t feel comfortable in their own skin. Our children feel flawed in comparison to the perfect images they see on Instagram and other visual social media. Kids’ body dissatisfaction contributes to serious mental health problems: eating disorders, depression, isolation, anxiety, risky sexual behavior, substance abuse, and low self-esteem.

Our workshops and courses empower school teachers, counselors, staff and athletic coaches to work together to combat the uptick in mental health concerns that have surged since the onset of the Pandemic.

Learn to detect eating disorders and disordered eating in high school athletes.

This self administered course provides a Certificate of Completion. Learn how to detect a problem in your high school athletes and what to do.

Creating a body confident school

This high school curriculum is created specifically to train staff with the input of high school kinetic wellness teachers.

Our focus: Appearance Ideals, Media Messages, Confronting Comparisons and Banishing Body Talk